The Cleveland Mentors organization has helped us put together a platform to begin our alumni mentoring program to connect all of our Ginn family so that they can help each other. 2011
graduate, Nick Davis, has taken the lead on creating the organization.
Please sign up on the new website right here.
Coach Ginn has long wanted to see
graduates of Ginn Academy return to help him guide the next generation.
"Mentoring to me is an everyday job," says Coach Ginn. The
program will begin with current seniors each being assigned a Ginn
graduate as a mentor. Eventually it will be expanded to the younger
No matter where you live or go to school, any
graduate of Ginn Academy can be a mentor. That's because mentors and
mentees will communicate mainly via regular emails. Ginn Academy is
partnering with the Cleveland Mentors organization, which matches up
mentors and mentees on a software platform and facilitates an emailed
conversation between the two parties twice a month. Again the website is